南加州中文學校聯合會公文 47 屆第 07 號
日期: 2023 年 5月 5 日
受文者:本會各會員學校校長 / 代表、本會理事及執行委員
主旨: 南加州中文學校聯合會會章修改
南加州中文學校聯合會於2023 年4月23日於洛杉磯華僑文教中心舉辦會員大會,並於會中全數通過會章的修改。會章修改的內容如下:
(1) The Board shall be composed of nine (9) Directors.
a) The seven 2-year term candidates of the Directors shall be nominated by the current Council members and elected by all the Council members. A candidate shall have the following qualifications:
i. Be a principal, former principal, and a representative to the Council of a member of Chinese schools.
ii. Willingness to serve.
iii. The member school shall be a Managing Member specified in Article IV.
b) The two 1-year term candidates of the Directors shall be nominated by the next-term President and elected by all next-term board directors. A candidate shall have the following qualifications:
i. One candidate is the representative from a US accredited non-profit school district.
ii. One candidate from a member of the Executive Group.
耑此 敬祝 教安
會長: 李梅如 president@scccs.org